Google Integration

Google Integration

Do you have a storefront? Do you have multiple locations? Do your customers know how to find you? Google maps may be the answer.

Do you have a large website? Do you want visitors to be able to search your website? Google search may be the answer.

Google Maps

Design Implement can help you put a custom Google map on you website. We can map all of your locations or just one. Map out other local attractions in your area. Also users can even get direction right to your front door.

Create custom icons or use some of our stock icons. Info windows can also be customized to show your information how you want it displayed.

Google Search

Design Implement can integrate two different types of Google searches. One is similar to the type of search you see when you visit Google, but this is within your website. A user comes to your website and types a search into a search bar. They are then taken to one of two places. With your choice they will either go to for the search results or to another page on your website for the search results. This type of search has pluses and minuses. The up side is that if a user clicks on an advertisement you get paid. The down side is that search results are not of pages from your website. They are normal search result just like if they did a search on

The second type of search is a site search. This is a Google search of pages of your website and only your website. The user types a search into a search bar on your website and is then taken to another page on your website for the search results. The search results are of pages from just your website. There aren’t any links to other websites. This is one way to keep visitor on your website.

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